CBTF Foundation

About Us

Help is Our Main Goal

Real Work, Real Change

CBTF Foundation is to empower the underprivileged whether they are children, youth, or women. Our aim is to leverage relevant education, proper healthcare, and market-focused livelihood programs.
The first and foremost work is to analyze the ground reality and bring a positive change in the lives of underprivileged children and families in India, Pakistan, Nepal & Dubai.

We were a bunch of friends that came up with a noble idea of starting this foundation to help the needy. Our team welcomes volunteer, anyone who is interested to connect with us but we don’t promote donations. We have sufficient funds to support our causes and events

We are striving hard to make an impact on the lives of the poor by sensitizing and engaging the privileged masses toward their social responsibility. We believe education empowers an individual to earn and makes them aware of a range of issues. They achieve appropriate social behavior and understand their rights thereby evolving them become a better citizen.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to work towards the development of society by providing education, medical facilities, and other facilities to all those in need and to provide pecuniary assistance to those unable to fend for themselves due to underprivileged and poverty scenario, and we are supporting them through grassroots initiatives. It is our objective to provide free education to the children of the underprivileged class as well as to provide livelihood for their parents to be able to grow as a whole. Role of CBTF Foundation is to help poor, educate them and provide livelihood to the underprivileged class intially in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Dubai

What we Do

Our Statistics

Years of Experience
0 +
Thousand People Helped

Who Help Us