Our Causes

Empowering Education

The distribution aims to provide notebooks to students in need

Community Service
Sadbhavna Vridhasharm

Providing free food and shelter to older individuals can help improve their quality of life and ensure that they have access to basic necessities.

Karunavihar Kanya Sadan

CBTF foundation is encourging free education of poor girls or who lost their parents due to disaters like earthquake or Covid with the help of Karunavihar Kanya Sadan.

Animal Welfare
Committed to the Care and Well-being of Animals

Our Foundation helps to take care for stray, abandoned & orphaned animals and provide them attention.

Community Service
Distribution of Blankets to Needy

Donating blankets to the homeless during the winter is a great way to serve humanity.

Empowering Orphan Girls through Education

CBTF foundation is encourging free education of poor girls or who lost their parents due to disaters like earthquake or Covid with the help of Karunavihar Kanya Sadan. This is a noble cause,

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