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Unfortunately, millions of children and poor are starving due to the scarcity of food and this is why they have to sleep on empty stomachs. However, one good thing about this matter is that issues pertaining to hunger are fixable.
At CBTF Foundation, we aim at feeding millions of children who lack the means. By feeding the needy one wholesome meal a day, we give them the nourishment and motivation they need to pursue an education for a better future. We reach the grass root level of society to accomplish this mission.
We at our foundation envision a society where nobody will sleep without having a meal. Everyone should have access to needed pulses and cereals, in-depth familiarity with the merit of healthcare and nutrition, and hygienic food to increase their longevity. We aim that hunger-stricken people would get regular meals on a regular basis so that they can develop themselves in a fit and healthy manner. They would ultimately become valuable resources for the upliftment in all spheres at the global level.